My aim here is to educate you on the hidden dangers of old-world fuse boards, fuse boxes, and show you how times have changed. 

The fuse box in this video was installed at around 1980, know if you hadn't upgraded your mobile phone since this time, just think "how technology has changed over the years". Truth is newer fuse boards are a lot safer the technology is now so advanced in 1980 call us today to discuss your well overdue upgrade. 

As a quick memory hook, if you dont upgrade your fuseboard with us now, next time you upgrade your phone, spare a throught to what will be charging it later that day! 

If I asked you to search for a friends status on this, could you do it? 

Old Mobile From 1980
Old Mobile From Circa 1980. Update required................

old fuse board loughton
Call Karl Your Local Electrician in loughton today


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